new build / zero carbon
- Thinking of building a new home? Be it a small hideaway or a large family house - starting from scratch means that a great level of energy efficiency and comfort can be achieved by 'passive' measures. Here's your opportunity to build efficiency into the very fabric and the workings of your building and spend less on expensive technology.
- The application of technology in particular needs to be carefully considered to suit your lifestyle and habits as well as your long-term goals; it is worth spending some time working out the right plan for you - looking beyond the capital cost at long-term savings and payback periods;
- As a female practice we know that for a successful design we need to look at the practical aspects of your space and the comfort it should provide as well as the 'grand design'; the design process must be a close collaboration with those who are to enjoy the finished product;
- Technology is moving and improving at a rapid pace and it is our role to keep up with this and provide you with up-to-date information;
- In 2006 Andrea led the 'Lighthouse' zero carbon house for Sheppard Robson, which was a prototype house used as a 'test bed' for zero carbon living and technology. This project included both passive measures such as super-insulated building systems, strategically placed thermal mass and stack effect cooling as well as a wide range of carbon-saving technology including solar thermals, pv cells, biomass boilers, heat recovery systems;
- Please don't hesitate to contact TURN if you would like to discuss your plans for your new home;
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