highbury 1
Project type:
Residential - single storey extension and internal remodelling

10 m2

North London

Completion date:
February 2013

Summary description:

Highbury 1 is a mid-Victorian terraced house in a densely built-up part of Highbury. The client's brief was to remodel and minimally extend the rear of the house to create a generous kitchen / dining room whilst retaining a small lightwell to the side. This was achieved by carefully planning the kitchen, storage and dining areas and discreetly concealing ancillary spaces such as utility cupboard and wc, and by introducing large glazed openings to the rear garden and the side lightwell. Polished stainless steel panels and mirrors are strategically placed both internally and externally to maximise natural light into this North facing part of the house. The facades and roof of the extension are clad in dark-coloured standing seam zinc panels.

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allerton road II
tremlett grove
allerton road
balls pond road
darville road
albion road
carysfort road I
carysfort road II
janeway street
hadley street II
rendlesham road
bayston road II
winston road
hadley street
victoria park road
hutchings walk
highbury 1
kynaston road
homestead cottages
make me a home
bayston road
thorpedale road
fulton mews
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